“As an expert witness, it is essential that you are primed for court.”
Brian David LaCas, FEC, P.Eng., Senior Hydrotechnical Engineer/Hydrologist
President, LCI Engineering Group, LaCas Consultants Inc.
Two to three weeks prior to the court date:
- Make sure you have a hardcopy of your curriculum vitae, opinion, technical support file, numerical computer model output and the documents contained in the List of Documents provided to you.
- Place these documents in separate labelled binders and highlight key information.
- Ensure all numerical computer models are running and review manuals.
- Review all documentation including electronic media.
- Prepare a glossary of technical terms.
- Write down potential questions.
One week prior to court date:
- Visit the courthouse to get a feel for the environment.
- Visualize yourself swearing in, addressing the judge and lawyers.
- Review the potential questions and write in point form: brief, clear answers, in terms and language understandable to the general public.
One day prior to court date:
- Have a good night’s rest.
- Study the documentation, potential questions and answers.
- Video your responses.
- Organize your documentation the night before.
Four hours before court:
- Prepare your body for a long period of sitting and standing.
- Eat well.
- Review the video of your responses.
- Arrive at the courthouse at least one hour early and find a quiet place to relax and visualize yourself on the stand responding to questions.
- Arrive outside of the courtroom ten minutes before being called.
- Remind yourself of etiquette of the courtroom and that you are there to assist the court with your expertise without advocacy.
Good luck!
My name is Brian David LaCas, FEC, P. Eng. with over 38 years of hydrotechnical engineering experience and I am court recognized Expert Witness Hydrologist and Hydrotechnical Engineer (Water Resources Engineering Consultant) and a member (expert witness) of the Alberta Trial Lawyers Association, of the Association of Engineers & Geoscientists of Alberta.
I provide expert opinions, review, rebuttal reports, court expertise specializing in the analysis of floods, flooding and floodplains, stormwater and drainage, dams and reservoirs, rivers, streams and Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) road flooding. For over 17 years, I have been a technical reviewer for the Engineers & Geoscientists, of British Columbia carrying out confidential reviews of Professional Engineers for standard practice review and for technical support for potential disciplinary action by the association.
I am an expert in, and qualified to testify on, the meteorology and hydrology of flood events for the range of types of watershed and river systems, as well as the hydraulics of bridges, culverts, agricultural land drainage, pump stations, mine tailings pond failures, flood frequency analysis, watershed numerical modeling, water surface profile modeling, flood construction levels, floodplain mapping, ocean wave modeling, ocean flood construction levels, river pipeline crossings, drowning and forensic engineering flood damage assessment.
For further information please refer to my website at Hydrology Expert Witness
Please contact me if you would like a copy of my updated curriculum vitae at brian@thelcigroup.com
Visit our Linkedin Page: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/covid-19-expert-witness-testimony-brian-lacas